#Sweet and sour
#The Strange Meeting between Apple and Yogurt
#Snacks for men and women of all ages
Let me introduce you to the sweet and sour apple ball, which is a special meeting
between apples and yogurt. Healthy apples and yogurt meet, making it a new nutritional snack
that has never been seen before. With different flavors, this apple ball is rounded with a freeze-dried apple and coated with a yogurt coating.
It is made of delicious applesin clean areas and is full of nutrients
Yogurt helps intestinal health to absorb nutrients and activates
intestinal function to prevent constipation and promote
bowel movements
Apples prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, and
asthma in babies, lower cholesterol levels and
blood pressure, and have a skin whitening effect
It's a great choice for children's nutritionalsnacks with sweetness and sourness