We started a business highlighting agricultural products built by returning to Hapcheon
and producing our own Yulpicha non-glutinous rice carvings. We are trying to provide
healthy food without using just 1% of additives.
Yulpicha non-glutinous rice crust, which is delicious even if you eat five flavors
from nature without using just 1% of additives and delicious as a side dish
첨가물이 전혀 없는 순수 농산물로 만든 맛있는 나눔 김 부각
국내산 농산물과 신선한 수산물을 사용해 만들어원재료의 맛을 그대로 담았습니다
감칠맛이 좋아 맥주한잔과 함께 하기 좋은BEER & RICE SNACK